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Showing posts from December, 2017

The Open Post - About my high school bullying

          'I shall not fear to show off true colors' he murmured to the etched windowpane. I knew I am different right from the beginning, the special child with special mannerisms, holding him back from everything which he really wanted to try out. I was always the child who upsets the stereotypes of the society, a born rebel, in short. I guess every single person of LGBTQI is a born rebel because their mere existence in this very intolerant society is a mutiny to the patriarchy. As a child, I was ignorant about my sexuality. I couldn’t get the tie-up between why me playing with girls disturbs others so much that I was forced to quit playground in my early childhood. I couldn’t comprehend why a mere walking style and the way I swing my hand in the air will muddle the neighborhood. I couldn't identify the hetero propaganda to content sexuality into binary and orientations into a singularity. Unfortunately, the teachers who shaped my childhood was unaware ...